Hear What I Think
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Dive into my blog, where I explore key themes related to Weight of Women, offering insights into body image, societal pressures, and the real impact of weight on women’s lives.
In the Debunking Diets section, I unpick popular weight-loss claims, critique diet culture, and provide evidence-based perspectives on why many diet plans don’t work as promised.
Discover practical Living Mindfully practices that can help you shift your focus from how you look to how you feel.
Get an exclusive look into the Behind the Book section, where I share personal stories, challenges, and the creative process of writing my book.
I’d also love to hear from you—share your thoughts and comments on the posts, and let’s continue the conversation!
Fatism: The Final Frontier?
Size discrimination is one of the last acceptable biases, affecting women daily in the workplace, healthcare, and beyond.
Why Are Overweight Women Paid Less?
The gender pay gap is well known, but did you know that weight plays a significant role in how much women are paid?
The Toll of Social Judgement on Size
What is the price of social judgement and size shaming on women’s mental health?
Feeding the Family
Women have traditionally taken on the responsibiliity for feeding their family but is this at the expense of their own needs?
Why Dieting Isn’t Good for Women
Discover the reasons behind the harm dieting does to women’s well-being
Women’s Worth
So much of women’s worth is caught up in looking after others. Yet work inside the home is not valued and motherhood reduces earning capacity outside the home.
Research versus intuition
Why do we think that the experts know more than we do about our bodies?
Why Women Diet
Exploring the hidden reasons behind women's desire for weight loss: is it more than just health?"
Nourishment vs Nutrition
How does food become more than fuel to transform how we take care of ourselves?
Physicality of Fat
What does fat feel like? The physical struggles of being overweight aren’t always articulated.
Coffee Culture
Coffee traditionally taken at the end of meals has now become a meal in itself.
Why Eating Together Matters
Eating isn't merely about filling our bellies—it's a social experience that reflects our relationships, cultural practices, and even our environment.
Honouring the wisdom within
How can we tune into what our body need when we are bombarded with so many external influences?
The Demise of the Dining Table
With only a quarter of families eating together daily, what impact does this have on our eating habits?
Rest and Digest
In our quest for weight management, we often focus on food and exercise but sleep plays a vital role in supporting the body’s ability to digest as well as rest.
The Convenience of Food
Ultra-processed foods are today’s dietary villain, but how did we become so reliant on ready meals?
The Weight of Disease
Obesity is recognised as a contributory factor for many diseases, but illness can also cause people to become overweight