Owning Up To Overeating
Writing down what you eat to keep track yourself is one thing. Sharing it with others is quite another. But I realised, through researching the book, reading others’ stories and writing my own, was that it is not about the food.
I used to think the term emotional eating meant that you ate because you were upset or angry or tired. What I understand now is that we eat to stop ourselves from feeling what is buried beneath the layers of fat and shame.
Emotional eating is not about eating to feel good, its about eating to feel better. Ironically, after overeating I usually feel worse. Overeating is often a longing to be cherished and recognising that we need to love ourselves first, is key to healing.
Breaking the cycle of dieting and bingeing, making friends with food and nourishing your body takes courage and its starts with facing yourself - for me, this was literally in the mirror on holiday as I share in this video.