Chocolate meditation
One of the most enjoyable exercises I teach the children in yoga is chocolate mediation. The idea of eating chocolate in a yoga class may seem decadent or incongruent with an adult class. But it is one of the favourite activities that I try and do once or twice a year. I once did a whole lesson entitled Chocolate Yoga! Of course kids love it but they actually only eat a single minstrel or a mini-egg at Easter.
What is so magic is that we spend around 5 minutes just eating that single chocolate. And really enjoying it. I’m honest with the children and tell them that I could probably consume the entire sharing bag in that time if I was sat on the sofa at home mindlessly shoving them into my mouth.
And yet the enjoyment that we derive from slowly and consciously eating that chocolate is no less and possibly greater, than that when eat the whole pack. To savour flavours deliberately really allows us to enjoy food and somehow eating just a small amount does not feel so indulgent even of something like chocolate.
So grab a wrapped mini-egg, take a seat and join me to indulge in the pleasure of eating!
A chocolate meditation to illustrate mindful eating in an enjoyable way!